Air Cooled Oil-Free Centrifugal

Air Cooled Oil-Free Centrifugal

Product detail

Air Cooled Oil-Free Centrifugal



Outdoor unit for the production of chilled water, equipped with oil-free centrifugal compressors, R513A refrigerant, axial EC fans, condensing coil with copper tubes and aluminum fins, shell and tube flooded evaporator and electronic expansion valve. Base, supporting structure and panels are of galvanized epoxy powder coated steel. The unit is supplied with refrigerant and has been factory tested. In free cooling mode, the liquid is cooled by outdoor air, thus lowering the load of the compressors until it is reduced to zero. The NG configuration complies with applications where it is not allowed or desired the use of ethylene glycol. 

TRCS2-G05-Z 0211 – 1154

Outdoor unit for the production of chilled water, equipped with oil-free centrifugal compressors, R134a refrigerant, axial EC fans, condensing coil with copper tubes and aluminum fins, shell and tube flooded evaporator and electronic expansion valve. Base, supporting structure and panels are of galvanized epoxy powder coated steel; the unit is supplied with refrigerant. The rotor speed digital control allows an accurate and efficient thermoregulation in every operating condition. In free cooling mode, the liquid is cooled by outdoor air, thus lowering the load of the compressors until it is reduced to zero. The NG configuration complies with applications where it is not allowed or desired the use of ethylene glycol. 


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